Viking Broiler Club
The Redesigned Broiler Club
- Chicks(Up to 25 CornishX/Freedom Rangers or up to 10 Turkey Poults)
- Bulk Non-GMO Feed(10% OFF Premium Kaniksu Poultry Grower feed for the season)
- Processing Equipment(Free Rental of Featherman poultry processing equipment for the season)
- Packaging materials(Up to 30 Texas Poultry Shrink Bags)
- Educational Materials(Life Stages and Pre Processing Checklists, Broiler Club educational YouTube Videos, Scheduled Facebook Live Q&A Sessions and free hands on processing instruction at our Rooster Roundups)
2020 has left most us asking "how can I do things differently? Be more self sufficient? More independent?". Our team has also been asking these questions, specifically about our popular Broiler Club program. We new that it needed to change this season to adapt to new challenges and to meet the needs of more people. To do this, we have expanded our offering of educational materials, access to live Q&A sessions and hands on processing training. We have also increased members access to processing equipment and feed discounts by changing it from a per batch membership to a season long membership(All of 2021). Now members will be able to utilize the processing equipment and member discounts for multiple batches of birds without paying for each batch. We have also eliminated some of the less functional parts of the club, such as, on site training and equipment delivery. These changes will helpl to address health concerns, simplify scheduling and make planning your batches much easier. And perhaps what is even more interesting, it allows us to change the membership cost to a single, lower fee that includes the best aspects of both Basic and Gold memberships from previous years.